Sunday, August 23, 2009

Weekend Update - Music Theory

For Starters, I cut up my finger pretty bad. I am not one that is good with injuries (especially involving blood) so my whole day I have been sick to my stomach. In fact I just changed the bandage and am now lying down in bed because I don't trust myself to get up. With that of the way, lets discuss music. It's amazing how your musical tastes change as you grow older. And not just the type of music, but individual songs. Some songs will stick with you, while others fade in and out. The ones that really only stick around are the ones with memories attached. I remember a fond vacation, a first kiss, or even just having fun and that song sticks with me. Only in Dreams by Weezer is a perfect example for me, and it has to do with an AMV for Cowboy Bebop (too nerdy? Let's try that again) I Wish You Were Here by Incubus is a perfect example for me, and it has to do with a Hawaiin vacation and a summertime fling named Erin...(much better). It's almost not about the music itself, but your experience while listening to the music that make lasting impressions. This is why music is so personal, because it's not just a song, but a piece of your life, that is being replayed.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Coffee Virginity

This may put me in the minority, but I don't drink coffee. Not sure why...I just never really started. I usually get enough sleep so it isn't needed, and then I just don't buy it. Well that changed because I was tired when I woke up (never a good sign, it only goes downhill from there) and hot coffee was readily available. Long days at work this week + lack of sleep (side note: one of the few times the lack of sleep was well worth it) turned me toward the java. It felt very different, I was still tired, but not sleepy. It also took away my appetite...lunch came and went without me even noticing (busy day was partly to blame). The best description is that I felt hollow, which isn't a good description at all (sorry). I definitely prefer just not feeling tired (and getting sleep) so I think I'll stick to that, but next time I go to Starbucks, I will get a nice hot chocolate (what did you expect? Caramel apple cider?)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So I have experienced a wide range of emotions the past few days/weeks culminating in the rarest, but most coveted one, pure bliss. Warning, if you haven't caught on already, this is going to be a very sappy post, but I'll try to keep it to a minimum. How it started was I finally worked up the courage to tell the girl I liked how I felt. I know, it feels like high school all over again, but it's not. Normally it wouldn't be a big issue, except that she had a boyfriend at the time...a very serious boyfriend. I say had because after telling her how I felt, I find out she broke up with her boyfriend the week prior (without mentioning any ting to me). Needless to say, things turned out well. Better than I could have ever imagined. Which brings me to my question, how often does something like that happen?

Well, not very often at all. People don't like to take a risk when they think they already know the outcome will be bad (unless they are drunk, all bets are off then). Never before have I done something like that, if I take a risk it's because I think the outcome will be good...then it doesn't even feel like a risk. The fact that I actually put my feelings on the line despite expecting rejection, still feels very strange. Maybe I made a personal evolutionary step, learning that I can be so sure of something, yet in fact be totally wrong. Thankfully I fought through that instinct, took the leap, and came out happier than I have been in a long time. I guess it's one of life's lessons that I will definitely remember...maybe I'm starting to really grow up?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Swine Flu Hits Home

I might have swine flu. Here's what happened:

One of the projects I'm working on is located up in the mountains at a remote mine site. Several coworkers (the count is up to 5 so far) have come down with swine flu. It was decided to shut the site down for a week to stop the spread. Because I have been in close contact with the infected coworkers, I was instructed to not come into the office for the next few days until it is clear I don't have the virus. The worst part is the incubation period (the time you get the virus but before you show any symptoms) is 2-5 days, so I might have it and not even know it. Now I don't feel 100% rightnow, but I chalk it up to thinking about it + hangover. Hopefully I won't have any problems...

Update: the count is up to 7 with one death...little more worried...


Hey Everyone~

I did it, I made the leap into blogging. I've wanted to try this for a while, and tonight is the night I stop wanting and start doing. So a little information about myself...I'm a 23 year old civil engineer living in Sacramento, CA. I lead an uneventful life, something I am actively trying to change. That means less nights in playing computer games and more nights out meeting people (starting this blog probably won't help). As I post more, you will have the chance to get to know me better, but until then I get to classify myself as "mysterious" OoOoOoOoOoOooOOO00