Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So I have experienced a wide range of emotions the past few days/weeks culminating in the rarest, but most coveted one, pure bliss. Warning, if you haven't caught on already, this is going to be a very sappy post, but I'll try to keep it to a minimum. How it started was I finally worked up the courage to tell the girl I liked how I felt. I know, it feels like high school all over again, but it's not. Normally it wouldn't be a big issue, except that she had a boyfriend at the time...a very serious boyfriend. I say had because after telling her how I felt, I find out she broke up with her boyfriend the week prior (without mentioning any ting to me). Needless to say, things turned out well. Better than I could have ever imagined. Which brings me to my question, how often does something like that happen?

Well, not very often at all. People don't like to take a risk when they think they already know the outcome will be bad (unless they are drunk, all bets are off then). Never before have I done something like that, if I take a risk it's because I think the outcome will be good...then it doesn't even feel like a risk. The fact that I actually put my feelings on the line despite expecting rejection, still feels very strange. Maybe I made a personal evolutionary step, learning that I can be so sure of something, yet in fact be totally wrong. Thankfully I fought through that instinct, took the leap, and came out happier than I have been in a long time. I guess it's one of life's lessons that I will definitely remember...maybe I'm starting to really grow up?

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