Sunday, August 23, 2009

Weekend Update - Music Theory

For Starters, I cut up my finger pretty bad. I am not one that is good with injuries (especially involving blood) so my whole day I have been sick to my stomach. In fact I just changed the bandage and am now lying down in bed because I don't trust myself to get up. With that of the way, lets discuss music. It's amazing how your musical tastes change as you grow older. And not just the type of music, but individual songs. Some songs will stick with you, while others fade in and out. The ones that really only stick around are the ones with memories attached. I remember a fond vacation, a first kiss, or even just having fun and that song sticks with me. Only in Dreams by Weezer is a perfect example for me, and it has to do with an AMV for Cowboy Bebop (too nerdy? Let's try that again) I Wish You Were Here by Incubus is a perfect example for me, and it has to do with a Hawaiin vacation and a summertime fling named Erin...(much better). It's almost not about the music itself, but your experience while listening to the music that make lasting impressions. This is why music is so personal, because it's not just a song, but a piece of your life, that is being replayed.

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