Sunday, August 9, 2009

Swine Flu Hits Home

I might have swine flu. Here's what happened:

One of the projects I'm working on is located up in the mountains at a remote mine site. Several coworkers (the count is up to 5 so far) have come down with swine flu. It was decided to shut the site down for a week to stop the spread. Because I have been in close contact with the infected coworkers, I was instructed to not come into the office for the next few days until it is clear I don't have the virus. The worst part is the incubation period (the time you get the virus but before you show any symptoms) is 2-5 days, so I might have it and not even know it. Now I don't feel 100% rightnow, but I chalk it up to thinking about it + hangover. Hopefully I won't have any problems...

Update: the count is up to 7 with one death...little more worried...

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